Money with Mel: Expense Tracking 101

For as long as I can remember, I felt confused about my money. Was I spending too much money? Was I putting enough away into savings and investments? Do I spend more than the average person on XYZ? I started tracking every transaction two years ago, and I now feel grounded, empowered and at ease. I want the same for you, so I created this mini-course. 

In this mini-course, you will:

  • Discover the top three benefits of expense tracking through three short videos 

  • Get a link to my Notion expense tracker template that you will then duplicate and start using

  • Learn how to set up your Notion expense tracker and personalize it to your needs

  •  Learn how to update your Notion expense tracker through a video screen recording

  • Get homework from me on what your next steps are to kickstart your personal finance transformation 

  • Receive a list of my favourite books, podcasts and YouTube channels that made a real impact on me at the start of my journey

After completing this mini-course, you will:

  • Understand the benefits of expense tracking

  • Have the motivation to implement expense tracking as a habit

  • Have access to my exact Notion template

  • Know how to update and personalize your Notion tracker

  • Have a list of books, podcasts and YouTube channels to begin learning more about personal finance

I hope that you choose to invest in yourself. I'll see you in the mini-course! If you have any questions or feedback before, during or after the course, don't hesitate to reach out to me via [email protected]